When to stop drinking coffee and get back to work?

bash Currently I have some devops tasks. I love fast feedback cycles and therefore I really love TDD. Now some of my current doves tasks are running for some time.

Five minutes – fine, I‘ll chat about off-topics with my pairing partner.

Ten minutes – let‘s get coffee. Coffee run!

Twenty minutes – hell let‘s play kicker.

Now we get challenged and are going to play another round. And then, suddenly, my phone notifies me, my task is done and I could continue to work. Nice. You know, our handhelds are called smart-phones, but where did my phone know the task was done? That‘s where IFTTT comes to play. Do you know it? It‘s a neat service for connecting services and IoT and likely everything.

As a developer, I can write my own services. I cannot publish it to you directly, because that is how they make money. That‘s totally fine. They don‘t deserve to starve. But as I‘m not a company and this tiny tool is not my business, I‘m going to share the steps and the code instead.

Step 1

Login to IFTTT. Create an account f necessary.

Step 2

Enable Maker Webhooks. See: https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks Copy the api token. You‘ll need it.

Step 3

Create a new Applet, choose Webhook as Trigger (‚this‘) and follow the steps

Step 4

Use a code like this

klingeling() {
	while IFS= read -r line
	if [ $pipe ]
		shift 2> /dev/null
	shift 2> /dev/null
	curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
		-d '{"value1":"'$value1'","value2":"'$value2'","value3":"'$valu3'"}' \
		https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/${event_name}/with/key/${token} > /dev/null 2>&1

Step 5

Use in terminal like this: echo "Digger" || klingeling

I hope you find this useful.

Side note: IFTTT can also help you tracking you time at a specific place. Office, client, pub, …
